Right, here's my pokertracker graph after approx 8000 hands:
Nothing too special, started off on a heater, then had a big downswing which was a result of a crappy run of cards AND playing bad. The next downswing was just standard coolers, some of which are as follows:
Standard Coolers (my hand first):
AA v QQ - all in on a Q high flop
KK v AA - all in preflop
Hit runner runner flush with suited connectors, villain hit higher runner runner flush
Slightly more Tilt Inducing Coolers:
Q9 v K2 - 8 10 J flop, including flush draw and gut shot straight flush draw...he hits higher flush.
KK v AK v AJ - 3 way all in preflop, AK hits 4 card flush
These are just a couple off the top of my head that had me all in, I have dished out and recieved more. The 3 way all in was a bit of a killer.
Anyway, I'm happy overall, there are a few dodgy players at $0.05/$0.10 to say the least, it's hard to keep an ABC game sometimes at this level when your used to mixing it up a bit so going forward I'm hoping to just tighten up a bit.
Bankroll: $255.40 (bit different to pokertracker as some hands havn't been logged)
Hands: 8145
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